Thursday, May 14, 2020

interview question

Preparation practice and planning resource:

1. How alexa project works basic flow to and from AWS cloud.
2. Sockte programming api's, what all api's are blocked calls. how multiple clients server will handle his point to know is select, but my knowledge that day is epoll.
3. Thread syntax, i asked for posix or c++11 threads.. he said any i went with c++11 which is easy i hope he was not happy as c++11 threads syntax is easy.
4. Pipes, named pipes, messageQueues what all differences and how each is advantage over other.
5. sip knowledge
6. asked package and expected..
1. About any project, i went with software updated with distribution in local network, alexa. by telling the problem statement of software update in customer place, handfree calling.
2. Explain about Smart pointers
3. Use of Virtual functions, pure virtual functions.
4. logical questions sum of numbers from 1 to 99  and one number missed how to ind the missed number, her expectation is (n*(n+1))/2.. then substract each element from it.remianing sum value is simmed number.
5. How to remove repeated sequence of charector example: abcbcdekeklmn -> abcdeklmn
6. Samsung SDAL layer project
1. When new project comes whats your approach as a architect.
2. Any tools used for derieving requirements finalizing.
3. Why still you are working as a developer?
4. When you need to outsource UI project what and all you will consider for client to deliver, how u will give ur requirement to him.
5. How you will give project health to management as a architect, as jirs task etc will be already will be provided by prgram manager status.
6. SOLID principles. : here his expactation is some keywords are usefull  like TDD etc.
7. How big is ur team, How is org structure.
8. Why you wil fit for this role?
1. Whats the projects, whats ur role in terms of technical.
2. Rate ur self is c, c++, linux, Go language, docker, DS.
3. If u given an DLL can you sort list with efficient approach.
4. swap 2 variables without using 3rd variable.
5. What all layers in OSI model.
6. What is difference between mac and ip address.
7. you have device other end device both end each is connected to switch, switch connected to router. as soon as device connection to device communication what all techincal aspects will happen?
8. Docker virtualization?
9. smart pointer
1. Piepline jenkins and classic jenkins ?
2. Difference between array and List in Python
3. How to specify one binary depends on other binary in makefile?
4. .Phony usage?
5. Dockers and containers?
6. Hardware speed speed is 50Mhz and Driver intrrupts came how you will calculate the uinturrupt handling time accurately.
7. you did git add, git commit for 10 files, from that before push command, one file should revert from commit what are the git steps with syntax?
8. what is the exact difference between git rabese and merge? syntax for each?
1. You have 100MB allocated using new in heap, which is used by multiple threads and in one thread you need 50MB how you can assign from existing 100MB new pointer means he wanted how you will reallocate memoryin c++ using new?
2. What is the thrtead communication mechanism
3. How Qt is working with Android platform
4. 3liters, 5 liters jar to compute 4 liter puzzle
5. Thread lights finding which one without entering the room with switch ...
6. You have Cube of 4cm, and painted all the sides with green color, if i cut to 1cm cubes from it.. how many cubes will come without colors? how many 1cm cubes will come?
7. What is openembedded build framweork how it will work?
8. OOPS concepts
9. Ubutntu device partitions information how many partitions , how u will do partions commands for it. can we add more partitions?
10. some c++ code snippet to find out the problem
11. Mutex, threads and conditional way to control flow related
12. IPC
13. openGL related idea.
14. Why are u looking change?
1. C++ oops concepts
2. EMpty class sze, how compiler memory structure for it if i create 20 objects?
3. polymorphism , compile time  and runtime? compile time how it will call corresponding in compiler level? any idea how compiler achieving compile time polymorphism?
4. Vtables and vptr with example classes to write.
5. if i have 10 base class pointers with 10 derieved classes are assigned having virtual in base. how many vtabled will get created?
6. virtual keyword for method, will be needed in derieved class method also ? if i keep what will h appen?
7. what is pure virtual ?
8. exeption handling related
9. What is the diffrence b/w expection handling and error handling?
10. WHat all design patterns used?
11. Multithreaded environment, singletern pattern code?
12. what tis future and  promise?
13. is multithreading is good or multiprocess is good why? How you will choose one over the other?
14. Socket programming simple usages?
1. Understanding overall c++ skills with basic questions similar like oracle in telephonic
2. Wriiten test having code snioppet to find the issue and correct in given code having below issues
  - Dimond problem intensionally not placed virtual key board to resolve dimond problem.  
  - lock gaurd to use insteed mutex
  - order of locking, unlocking
  - private data  accsing after reinterpretaion cast
  - array outof bond issue
  - with the new allocated memory for array of objects but in delete not mentioningh braces for delete [].
Below allproblems needs to write use case diagram, class diagram and code: and scalable, flexible, memory constraint devices...
3. Design a pattern and classes interface for Tweet like deleteTextTweet, deleteMultimediaTweet, readTextTweet, readMultimediaTweet, createTextTweet, createMultimediaTweet.
4. Have a UI page having id, name and address to be enter when same save page  should show that data and when cancel blank in that fields .. design his idea to write Qt code using MVC pattern...
5. What all solid principles, what is Dependency invserion principle needs to explain with code writing.
6. What all compilation stages for Qtapplications, expectation from is to specify moc for signals and slots
7. Hwo signals and slots implemented internally?
8. WHat all stages to use Qt in compiler ?
9. How to package Qt apk?
10. on screen images are playing with 50framesperseconds, bubbles are in screen when u click one one bubble that bubble get hilighted with + simbol on it.. design architecture.
11. from one hardware frmaes are commming continusly, ur process shoudl take the frmaes do some process on it and give it for display , no frameloss, stack memory is 128MB, each frame size is 4MB... design a system?
12. What Agile proces  and review process, CI/CD
13. INnovation
14. Design process for project execution
15. Hoq QT and android?
16 Why QT on android?
17. WHat all IPCS for where to use?
18. Design principles and patterns?
19. What are architectural processes and tools?

1. How to transfer a sentence from one to other end over the noise wire
 "Bhaskar is a very good engineer"  ... Interviewer expectation is repeat the sentence with key words to reduce the bandwidth i.e in repeate Bhaskar good Enginner.

2. What is Lamda function how it will be usefull compare to normal function and its usage scenario?
3. Difference between RISC and CISC architecture?
4. uint val = 10; uint *ptr; ptr = &val;   What is the addressing mode of execution ?? Ans: Indirect addressing mode
5. What is sampling theorem have u implemented any in codec??
6. Any filter implementation and its use?
7. Who will invoke the scheduler? Interviewer looking for exact term from kernel
8. What is the Zombie process?
9. For multiplication or to find the number is even or not ? how u will write ?? Interviewer expectation to write using bitwise operator not binary operators.
10.coding practice questions like 1== a for comparision is  better or a == 1?
11.balanced tree is better or unbalanced tree is better? why?
12.How Memcpy will be implemented? if address overlapping occurs how u will handle.
14.How services will interact in android? why android will use binder even otherlinux ipc are present?
15.How service will work in android?
16.What are smart pointers?
17.How week pointer will be usefull
18.Wat is static assert?
19.What is dimond problem how it solved in c++?
20.Memory allocation methods and default value?  malloc, calloc, new, realloc???
21.With the micro controller IO ports how to generate the ramp wave??
22.What is the string and string builder in c++

design pattern
role exact how may people

thread pool
object cache implementation
LRU cache
Tree traversal in  order S
Guven an array  of numbers, and a number, find if array has sum of the given number (by adding 2 numbers)
string anagram
- vector vs array
- vector -vs List
- linked list define structure
- Linked list intersected with other linked list
- print BST left view

- auto, lamda syntax
- projects
- design pattern
- how t0 analyze core dump
- most dificult roblem solved
- linux os internels IPC
- linux crash debugging
- n/w protocol

---- given an array of x, y cordinates,find the nearest, loangest cordinates from the origin 0,0 ? l = sqrt(x2+y2) sort all of them
- thread pooling like number of reuqtest are more and queue is lesser size...
- linked list reverse
- print event , odd
- challenging problem
- c++, system experience

-What is little endian/big endian?
-Generic projects details
- when to use shared memory
-why pipe not used in server media received to process same media can be given to process.
- multi process vs multi thread difference.
- program to align 0's to left and 1's to right in bool array.
- unique pointer usage and write a program to demonstrate
- change unique pointer code to smart pointer and how it wil behave.
-what are multithreading, how to control, protect data.
- what are all IPC and and how it works
- what is lamda function how to use them.
- stl'd details.

- What are socket apis
- Difference b/w udp, tcp
- voip, sip is in which layer protocol
- What all details in sock file descriptor
- what is select and how its use full
- generic multithreading details
- how cloud comm happens what all protocls used to communicate.

- reverse string
-c++11 concepts like smart pointers, lamda, auto, stl's
-sub string finding
- convert java code to c code having interface class and derived classed A, B.. object of A, B will be there, so here main intension of writing struct and function pointer in struct members.
- nibble swap in a byte.
- c language reference variable effect in called to callee

- write a code having copy constructor, operator constructor, destructor and class having pointer data members.
- Stack implementation using templates, but stack not limit capacity it should grow like how much we use.
- c++ 11 concepts.
-ipc concepts in details.

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