Monday, December 30, 2024

File Leak in linux

 File Leak analysis per process 

Identifying file descriptor leaks on Linux can be tricky, but it's important to monitor the number of file descriptors (FDs) a process is using, especially when you're troubleshooting resource exhaustion or system performance issues. File descriptor leaks occur when a process opens files (or other resources like sockets, pipes, etc.) but fails to close them, eventually leading to resource exhaustion.

Here's a script that can help you identify file descriptor leaks by monitoring processes, checking their open file descriptors, and tracking how many are open over time. We'll also go over common causes of file descriptor leaks.

Key Concepts:

  • File Descriptors (FDs): These are resources that processes use to interact with files, sockets, etc. Each process is limited by the number of FDs it can open, typically set by the ulimit command.
  • FD Leak: A file descriptor leak occurs when a process opens a file or socket and doesn't properly close it, leading to resource exhaustion.
  • Monitoring: We’ll monitor the open file descriptors over time and check for unusual growth.

Script to Identify File Descriptor Leaks

This script monitors open file descriptors for each process over time. It can help you identify processes with growing file descriptor counts (potential FD leaks).



# Check if the user is root (required for reading file descriptors of other users)
if [[ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]]; then
    echo "You must run this script as root to access other users' processes' file descriptors."
    exit 1

# Temp file to store process information

# Number of seconds to sleep between checks
# Number of checks to perform (you can increase this value)

echo "Monitoring file descriptors for leaks. Checking every $SLEEP_INTERVAL seconds..."

# Initial snapshot of file descriptors count
for i in $(seq 1 $NUM_CHECKS); do
    echo "Snapshot $i: $(date)" >> $TMP_FILE
    # Loop through all process IDs
    for pid in /proc/[0-9]*; do
        # Check if the process has a valid fd directory
        if [ -d "$pid/fd" ]; then
            # Get the number of open file descriptors for the process
            fd_count=$(ls -1 $pid/fd | wc -l)
            process_name=$(ps -p $(basename $pid) -o comm=)
            # Output PID, process name, and open FD count to temporary file
            echo "$(basename $pid)  $process_name  $fd_count" >> $TMP_FILE

    # Sleep for the specified interval before next check

# Analyze the results and identify processes with growing FD counts
echo "Analyzing file descriptor growth over time..."

# Sort the data and show processes with increasing FD count
awk '{
    count[$1][$2][$3] += 1;
} END {
    for (pid in count) {
        for (proc in count[pid]) {
            for (fd_count in count[pid][proc]) {
                if (count[pid][proc][fd_count] > 2) {
                    print "Potential FD leak detected! Process: " proc " with PID: " pid " opened " fd_count " file descriptors over time.";

# Cleanup
rm -f $TMP_FILE

How This Script Works:

  1. Root Privileges: The script checks if it's being run as root because it needs permission to access other processes' /proc/[PID]/fd directories.

  2. Snapshot Collection: The script takes snapshots of the number of file descriptors open for each process over multiple intervals (controlled by SLEEP_INTERVAL and NUM_CHECKS). The file descriptor count is obtained by counting the entries in /proc/[PID]/fd.

  3. Analysis: After collecting the data, the script looks for processes whose file descriptor counts grow significantly over time, which could indicate a file descriptor leak.

  4. Output: The script will display processes where the number of file descriptors grows over time, indicating potential leaks.

Example Output:

Monitoring file descriptors for leaks. Checking every 10 seconds...

Snapshot 1: Mon Dec 30 11:20:02 UTC 2024
1234  mysqld  45
5678  nginx  12
Snapshot 2: Mon Dec 30 11:20:12 UTC 2024
1234  mysqld  50
5678  nginx  15
Snapshot 3: Mon Dec 30 11:20:22 UTC 2024
1234  mysqld  56
5678  nginx  20
Analyzing file descriptor growth over time...
Potential FD leak detected! Process: mysqld with PID: 1234 opened 56 file descriptors over time.

How to Identify Each Process File Descriptor Leak Growth

The above script detects file descriptor growth over time. If the FD count increases without being released (i.e., the process keeps opening more file descriptors without closing them), this is indicative of a potential FD leak.

You can use the following additional strategies to troubleshoot and confirm the leak:

Common Causes of File Descriptor Leaks

  1. Improperly Closed Sockets or Files: If a process opens sockets or files but does not close them properly after use, this will lead to a leak.

  2. Faulty Application Code: In custom applications, improper error handling can lead to a failure to close file descriptors when exceptions or errors occur.

  3. Libraries or Daemons: Some libraries or daemons (such as database servers or network services) may not handle file descriptors efficiently under high load.

  4. Improper Handling of Network Connections: Network servers (e.g., web servers, database servers) may fail to close sockets correctly under heavy traffic, leading to FD leaks.

To Diagnose the Cause:

  1. Check Application Logs: Review the logs for any errors or warning messages related to resource exhaustion or socket failures.

  2. Use strace: If you suspect a particular process, use strace to trace system calls and watch for open() and close() calls. For example:

    strace -e trace=open,close -p <PID>
  3. Check for Abnormally High FD Usage: Processes with an unusually high FD count should be investigated further. Use tools like lsof to list open files for these processes.

    lsof -p <PID>
  4. Limit Resource Usage: Consider temporarily setting resource limits (e.g., ulimit -n for open files) to prevent FD leaks from crashing the system.

    ulimit -n 10000  # Set max open files to 10,000

To Fix FD Leaks:

  • Code Fixes: In application code, ensure that files, sockets, or pipes are always closed after use, even in error conditions. Using RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization) or try/finally blocks in languages like Python or Java can help ensure this.

  • Use Resource Management Tools: Many modern frameworks and libraries handle resource cleanup for you, but older code or custom applications might require manual intervention.


This script and the methods described will help you identify processes with file descriptor leaks by tracking the growth of open file descriptors over time. The root cause of these leaks is often due to improper resource management in code, but monitoring and early detection can significantly improve system stability.

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